John 6:41-71 – To whom will we go?

After becoming popular and attracting many followers, Jesus taught about what we call the Incarnation, the Son of God becoming human flesh. The Incarnation made it possible for people to have eternal life. Instead of being overjoyed at this news, many so-called followers turned away from Jesus in John 6:41-71. After asking the his original followers if they also wanted to leave him, Peter responded with a question that can serve as a lifeline to us when we find it difficult to believe. (full sermon notes)

John 6:41-71 – To whom will we go?2020-01-05T15:40:32-05:00

John 6:1-40 – The Bread of Life

Just like us, the people of Jesus’ day spent much of their time laboring for things that perish. Just like us, they often found themselves not satisfied. In John 6:1-40, we read about two of Jesus’ most well-known miracles, feeding the 5000 and walking on water. Because the people missed the meaning of the miracles, Jesus followed them up with instruction about bread that truly satisfies and gives life. As it turns out, there is only one thing that we can do to have this bread of life. (full sermon notes)

John 6:1-40 – The Bread of Life2019-12-15T18:29:38-05:00

John 5:17-47 – Greater Works

If a man makes a great claim about himself, he should be ready to present evidence to back up his claim. In John 5:17-47, Jesus made the most astonishing claims imaginable for a human being. By his own admission, if he alone held this opinion of himself, we should not believe him. Therefore, he backed up his claims with the most expert witnesses possible. For this reason, we can believe him. (full sermon notes)

John 5:17-47 – Greater Works2019-12-08T16:00:58-05:00

John 4:43-5:18 – Seeing is (Not) Believing

There is a popular expression that says “seeing is believing.” However, many people saw the amazing signs performed by Jesus and did not believe in him. In two separate incidents recorded in John 4:43-5:18, Jesus performed signs of healing, but few believed in him. One politically connected man did believe while the religious leaders did not. He became a model of faith, while they became a warning about the dangers of man-made religion. (full sermon notes)

John 4:43-5:18 – Seeing is (Not) Believing2019-12-01T14:25:12-05:00

John 4:1-42 – Thirst Quencher

Things had not worked out in life as she had hoped. After five broken marriages, she found herself in another uncertain relationship with a man. Then one one hot day at noon, she met a thirsty Jewish man. At first she despised him because of his race and religion, but he spoke to her in a way that indicated that he knew all about her and loved her still. He also offered her “living water” that was able at last to satisfy her longings. After she had drunk of this water, she wanted everyone else to know where to find it, so she led them to Jesus. Read her story in John 4:1-42. (Full sermon notes)

John 4:1-42 – Thirst Quencher2019-11-24T14:47:50-05:00

John 3:22-36 – He Must Increase

Ever since there began to be two groups preaching and baptizing, there were those who wanted to set up a competition between them. In John 3:22-36, John the Baptist put an immediate stop to the idea of competition between Jesus and himself. His response provides not only pastors but all Christians with an excellent motto for our lives. (Here is a link to the full sermon notes.)

John 3:22-36 – He Must Increase2019-11-17T15:26:58-05:00

John 3:1-21 – Look and Live

In a nighttime conversation with a religious leader recorded in John 3:1-21, Jesus used an expression that has found its way into popular culture, being “born again.” Jesus emphasized not merely a new start but a total transformation performed by God. In other words, we all need something that only God can give. At the same time, Jesus predicted that he would be lifted up on the cross so that anyone who believed in him would have eternal life. Although we cannot bring about our own new birth, we must look to Christ in faith and live. (Here are Larry’s complete sermon notes.)

John 3:1-21 – Look and Live2019-11-17T15:38:16-05:00

John 2:1-25 – The Countdown Begins

In John 2, Jesus began his public ministry with two incidents that started the countdown toward what he called “my hour.” Turning water into wine and driving out the marketers from the Temple courts seemed like two unrelated incidents. However, they both indicated that Jesus came to replace religious activities that could never take away sins. Also, these signs pointed forward to the way that he would take away sins: his death and resurrection. (Here are Larry’s complete sermon notes.)

John 2:1-25 – The Countdown Begins2019-11-17T15:36:30-05:00

John 1:35-51 – Come and See!

Except for John the Baptist, everyone in John 1:35-51 began the day not believing in Jesus. By the end of two days, all were believing in Jesus, following him, and telling others about him. What had happened? They had all met Jesus, and most of them met him through a relative or friend. Although they didn’t know much about Jesus, they knew enough to tell others, “Come and see!” (Here are Larry’s complete sermon notes.)

John 1:35-51 – Come and See!2019-11-17T15:34:53-05:00

John 1:19-34 – Take It Away

Almost all humans recognize that there is a gap between what we should do and what we actually do. Also, we have invented many methods to try to deal with that gap. Unfortunately, we repeatedly discover that our methods don’t ultimately work. In John 1:19-34, John (the Baptist) called Jesus “the Lamb of God” and claimed that he is able to take away that gap in our lives. (Here are Larry’s complete sermon notes.)

John 1:19-34 – Take It Away2019-11-17T15:33:41-05:00
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