John 13:18-38 – Betrayal and Love

In John 13:18-38, we pick up the conversation between Jesus and his disciples over dinner. After he had washed their feet, he announced that one of them would betray him. Once Judas had gone out into the night, Jesus gave his followers of every age the New Commandment: to love each other as he loved us.

John 13:18-38 – Betrayal and Love2020-03-15T15:15:02-04:00

John 13:1-17 – Take a Towel

During a meal with his disciples in John 13:1-17, Jesus did something that shattered social norms. He dressed like a slave and performed a task that was beneath most slaves by washing his disciples’ feet. Although he didn’t explain his actions completely, he gave us enough clues to find three important lessons. The first two lessons are about what he can do for us and the third about what we can do for each other. (sermon notes)

John 13:1-17 – Take a Towel2020-03-11T10:59:19-04:00

John 12:27-50 – Last Words to the World

In John 12:27-50, we have Jesus’ final appeal to the world before spending his final days focused on his disciples. After explaining the meaning of his death, he also explained why so many did not believe in him. Then he summarized his teaching in his last words to the crowds, giving them one final opportunity to believe in him. (sermon notes)

John 12:27-50 – Last Words to the World2020-03-01T16:47:47-05:00

John 11:55-12:26 – The Hour Has Come

All of a sudden, in John 11:55-12:26, Jesus not only permitted but encouraged people publicly to recognize him as king. What had changed? What we have awaited during the whole gospel of John finally happened: his hour to be glorified had come! However, his glorification would be exactly the opposite of what everyone expected. (sermon notes)

John 11:55-12:26 – The Hour Has Come2020-02-23T12:54:52-05:00

John 11:1-54 – Resurrection and Life

In Jesus’ final sign, recorded in John 11:1-54, he raised his friend Lazarus from the dead. As a sign, it was not to be a regular occurrence but an extraordinary event that pointed to Jesus as the only source of life from the dead and of eternal life. In the face of death, Jesus expressed anger and sadness even as he exercised dominance. Jesus’ mastery over death should interest all who lose loved ones or who will themselves eventually die. (sermon notes)

John 11:1-54 – Resurrection and Life2020-02-16T16:17:24-05:00

John 10:22-42 – One with the Father

In Jesus’ final public teaching in the Gospel of John (10:22-42), the people of Jerusalem tried to pin him down. They wanted him to declare openly who he was. In keeping with his indirect public style, Jesus pointed them to his words and works. He also boldly declared, “I and the Father are one.” This statement sent them looking for rocks to stone him, since they thought he was a man who made himself out to be God. They grasped that he claimed identity with God, but they got things exactly backwards. (sermon notes)

John 10:22-42 – One with the Father2020-02-09T14:44:45-05:00

John 10:1-21 – The Good Shepherd

After the shepherds of Israel mistreated and kicked out the man born blind in chapter 9, Jesus announced in John 10:1-21 that he is the Good Shepherd. While false shepherds sacrificed the sheep for their own benefit, the Good Shepherd laid down his life for the sheep. The question for us is if we know his voice and follow him. (sermon notes)

John 10:1-21 – The Good Shepherd2020-02-02T16:26:20-05:00

John 9:1-41 – Now I See

From Old Testament times, the Jewish people knew that only God and his Messiah could open the eyes of the blind. However, over their long history, it had never happened. Therefore, when Jesus healed the eyes of a man born blind in John 9:1-41, he caused quite a stir. Some rejected the miracle as spurious, but the healed man held firm to what he knew to be true: “I was blind, and now I see.” This is the same testimony of the simplest Christian whose spiritual eyes Jesus has opened to the truth. (sermon notes)

John 9:1-41 – Now I See2020-01-26T14:29:53-05:00

John 8:30-59 – Who’s your father?

A constant problem for the reputation of the church is the presence of persons who claim to be believers but deny the faith with their lives. This problem is not new. In fact, in John 8:30-59, Jesus had an extended argument with some who had believed in him but ended up wanting to kill him. Their lives showed that God was not their father, no matter what they said. Ever since then, there have been many so-called Christians who follow their own wills rather than Jesus’ words. Let’s make sure we are not among their number. (sermon notes)

John 8:30-59 – Who’s your father?2020-01-19T15:21:34-05:00

John 8:12-30 – The Light of the World

The feast was over. The water and light show has dazzled the crowds. Jesus had offered living water to quench our thirst and added in John 8:12-30 that he is the light of the world. However, his hearers missed the message by challenging his procedure. In response, Jesus directed them back to himself as the “I am” and the one lifted up on the cross to die for the sins of all who believe in him. (full sermon notes)

John 8:12-30 – The Light of the World2020-01-12T15:27:14-05:00
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