John 18:1-27 – A Study in Contrasts

In his narration of Jesus’ arrest in John 18:1-27, John alternated between scenes focused on Jesus who acted in complete control, and Peter who was losing control of himself. We will likely be able to find ourselves in the story in couple of different ways, once because of our similar need and another time because of Jesus’ provision for our need.

John 18:1-27 – A Study in Contrasts2020-05-10T15:00:38-04:00

John 17:1-26 – Prayer of Glory

After his farewell discourse with his disciples, Jesus prayed his longest recorded prayer in John 17:1-26. He prayed regarding himself, for his original disciples, and for his later disciples, but his overarching request was for God’s glory. Because God’s glory on earth is tied to how his disciples live, prayer for his disciples to do well is prayer for God’s glory.

John 17:1-26 – Prayer of Glory2020-05-04T14:52:43-04:00

John 16:12-33 – Sorrow to Joy

Jesus concluded his final discourse with his disciples before his death in John 16:12-33. He developed previous lessons and added that they would have temporary sorrow that would change into lasting joy. In spite of our suffering in this world, Christians can have joy, peace, and courage, because Jesus has overcome the world.

John 16:12-33 – Sorrow to Joy2020-04-26T18:34:23-04:00

John 15:18-16:11 – What to Expect

After telling his disciples that they should love one another, Jesus began preparing them in John 15:18-16:11 to be hated by the world. Even so, he sent them out to be witnesses for him, but not on their own. He also promised to send the Holy Spirit to be the witness who would convince the world about the truth of the gospel.

John 15:18-16:11 – What to Expect2020-04-19T14:24:40-04:00

Good News for a Change – Acts 10:34-43

In a world full of bad news, we are all wanting to hear good news. What we usually receive is good advice, which is welcome but fails to animate our lives. In Acts 10:34-43, we have an early sermon by Peter, in which he clearly and simple spelled out for us the good news about Jesus.

Good News for a Change – Acts 10:34-432020-04-12T13:30:39-04:00

John 15:1-17 – Stay Where You Are

There is a word that runs through Jesus’ farewell discourse and appears eleven times in John 15:1-17 in one form or another. It can be translated as abide, remain, stay, continue, dwell. As we abide in our homes during the pandemic, we need to remember that we must abide in Jesus to bear fruit, to glorify the Father, and to be filled with joy!

John 15:1-17 – Stay Where You Are2020-04-05T15:04:26-04:00

John 14:15-31 – My Peace I Give You

Continuing the final conversation with his disciples in John 14:15-31, Jesus told them how to show their love for him and of the gifts he gives to those who love him. His Spirit, his presence, and his peace enable us to live as his followers these days and every day.

John 14:15-31 – My Peace I Give You2020-03-30T21:32:45-04:00

John 14:1-14 – Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled

After Jesus gave his disciples very troubling news, he told them in John 14:1-14, “Let not your hearts be troubled.” He went on to say what to do instead and gave them and us three reasons not to be troubled. Although this text is simply the next one in our series on the Gospel of John, it is timely during these days of pandemic.

John 14:1-14 – Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled2020-03-23T15:01:38-04:00

John 13:18-38 – Betrayal and Love

In John 13:18-38, we pick up the conversation between Jesus and his disciples over dinner. After he had washed their feet, he announced that one of them would betray him. Once Judas had gone out into the night, Jesus gave his followers of every age the New Commandment: to love each other as he loved us.

John 13:18-38 – Betrayal and Love2020-03-15T15:15:02-04:00

John 13:1-17 – Take a Towel

During a meal with his disciples in John 13:1-17, Jesus did something that shattered social norms. He dressed like a slave and performed a task that was beneath most slaves by washing his disciples’ feet. Although he didn’t explain his actions completely, he gave us enough clues to find three important lessons. The first two lessons are about what he can do for us and the third about what we can do for each other. (sermon notes)

John 13:1-17 – Take a Towel2020-03-11T10:59:19-04:00
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