3 John – Who’s on First
In 3 John, there is a sharp contrast between one church member who loved Christ and his missionaries and another who loved to be first.
In 3 John, there is a sharp contrast between one church member who loved Christ and his missionaries and another who loved to be first.
Since the early days of the church, people have tried to deny the Incarnation and still call themselves Christians. The little letter of 2 John is an answer to them and a reaffirmation of the truth about God in the flesh.
In Isaiah 10:33-11:10, we find a picture of trees that were all chopped down. However, out of one stump a sprout would grow and eventually transform everything. This picture portrays the coming of Jesus and also what he can do in your life.
In our worship service today, we received new members and baptized new believers, two of whom told their stories of becoming Christians. In Romans 3:19-26, we have an explanation of why and how someone can become a Christian.
All agree that the Lord’s Supper is a remembrance meal, but it is also communion with the Lord and with each other. In 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Paul corrected errors and explained the Lord’s Supper, who should participate, and how to participate.
From several texts in the New Testament, this message answers four questions: What is the meaning of baptism? Who should be baptized? How should we baptize? Is baptism necessary?
Although faith in Christ has become more and more of an individual matter in the West, those who became Christians in the New Testament were added to local churches. Acts 2:36-47 records the addition of 3000 new church members in one day and describes the privileges they shared.
In the last three verses of our Old Testament, Malachi 4:4-6, two of the biggest figures of biblical history make a cameo appearance, Moses and Elijah, representatives of the law and the prophets and forerunners of Jesus.
In the sixth dispute between God and his people in Malachi 3:13-4:3, we find the proper response to everything God was saying to them. That response will make all the difference on the day God promised to bring, a day for which we all need to be ready.
In another dispute with his people in Malachi 3:6-12, God gave his people of that day a lesson in generosity, which Christians need to learn as well, especially as it has been transformed by the coming of Christ.