Daniel 10:1-11:20 – When It Get Worse
No matter how bad things get, God is still working out his own holy will through seen and unseen agents.
No matter how bad things get, God is still working out his own holy will through seen and unseen agents.
Daniel urgently asked God to keep his own promises for the glory of his own name.
In a second vision, Daniel saw into the future when the Jews would need to remain faithful under terrible persecution.
Christ’s ascension is what we need in the Day of Judgment.
In the famous story of Daniel in the lions’ den, we learn about being blameless and see again that God reigns and rescues.
Sooner or later every kingdom that opposes God will be “all gone,” but there is a kingdom that will not pass away.
King Nebuchadnezzar exited the scene with an important lesson for all of us about who is the real King.
Daniel’s three friends preferred to die rather than renounce their faith, knowing that God would be with them no matter what.
In Daniel 2, a problem arose because of the absence of the gods among humans, but the true God showed himself through a human.
In Daniel 1, four teenagers show us how to be faithful when we are pressured to conform to the world around us.