Habakkuk 2:6-20 – As the Waters Cover the Sea
God continued to answer Habakkuk by revealing that after bringing justice to the oppressor, he would reveal his glory in all the earth.
God continued to answer Habakkuk by revealing that after bringing justice to the oppressor, he would reveal his glory in all the earth.
Reflections on the seven sayings that Jesus spoke from the Cross.
Jesus fulfilled the entire Old Testament by suffering, rising from the dead, and having forgiveness preached to all the nations.
In answer to Habakkuk’s complaint about God using the wicked to accomplish his purpose, God declared that the righteous will live by faith.
In response to Habakkuk’s raw complaint, God announced that he would do something wonderful, astounding, and hard-to-believe.
In this thank you letter to the Philippians, Paul teaches us about giving for missionary work.
Paul addressed a serious conflict in the church and how to live differently: in unity, joy, gentleness, peace, and goodness.
Between the establishment of a relationship with God and the final resurrection, Christians need to press on to know Christ and be more like him.
Paul warned Christians about false teachers who would persuade them to boast in themselves instead of in Christ.
Timothy and Epaphroditus demonstrated the mind of Christ in the way they lived.