Exodus 15-17 – Water, Bread, Rock
Even though his people grumbled and quarreled, the Lord satisfied their needs at his own expense.
Even though his people grumbled and quarreled, the Lord satisfied their needs at his own expense.
At the Red Sea, the LORD triumphed gloriously, made himself known, and anticipated his greater triumph in the cross and resurrection.
The tenth plague was the death of the firstborn of Egypt, which was also the salvation of the people of Israel.
Moses and Aaron represented Yahweh, who took on Pharaoh along with the gods, goddesses, and magicians of Egypt during nine rounds of a ten round fight.
Even though it was hard for the Hebrew slaves to see it, and hard for us sometimes, God does care.
God delights to bring deliverance through unlikely people and in surprising ways.
In the encounter with Moses at the burning bush, God revealed himself and promised to show us more of who he is.
When it looked like God had forgotten his people, he remembered his covenant promises.
God fulfills his plan against human opposition and even through human suffering.
Prayer is the element that activates all the other pieces of the armor of God.