Exodus 25-27, 30-31 – God’s Dwelling Place

The detailed instructions for the construction of the Tent of Meeting held important lessons for Israel and also for us today.

Exodus 25-27, 30-31 – God’s Dwelling Place2023-01-29T17:26:57-05:00

Exodus 20-23 – The Book of the Covenant

This section of Exodus is a combination of moral, ceremonial, and civil laws, which point us to Christ and/or guide our lives today.

Exodus 20-23 – The Book of the Covenant2023-01-08T16:46:32-05:00

The Presence of God with his People

God has always been with his people, in various ways and temporarily in Old Testament times and later and permanently in human flesh.
The Presence of God with his People2022-12-25T15:54:51-05:00

Exodus 17:8–18:27 – Leaders and the Deliverer

The LORD uses leaders to deal with threats to the welfare of his people, and he is the God who delivers them.

Exodus 17:8–18:27 – Leaders and the Deliverer2023-05-21T16:03:51-04:00
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