Exodus 25-27, 30-31 – God’s Dwelling Place
The detailed instructions for the construction of the Tent of Meeting held important lessons for Israel and also for us today.
The detailed instructions for the construction of the Tent of Meeting held important lessons for Israel and also for us today.
The people could draw near to God only after the blood of the covenant was shed.
Believers can rejoice with shouts of praise, because God is the king over all the nations.
This section of Exodus is a combination of moral, ceremonial, and civil laws, which point us to Christ and/or guide our lives today.
Three simple but expansive habits will contribute to the Christian’s happiness.
Was the incarnation of the Son of God really necessary, and if so why?
God gave us The Ten Words, which show us how to live well and our need for Jesus Christ.
When Israel reached Mount Sinai, God showed that he would provide all they needed.
The LORD uses leaders to deal with threats to the welfare of his people, and he is the God who delivers them.