Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 – Seeds and Weeds
The parable often called the Wheat and the Tares gives hope that one day all will be made right.
The parable often called the Wheat and the Tares gives hope that one day all will be made right.
This first parable from Matthew provides the key to understanding all the parables and to entering the kingdom of God.
Christians need to learn to speak with joy, listen with discernment, and grow in grace.
The Day of the Lord comes like a thief in the night but not for those who live in the light.
Although Christians will grieve the loss of loved ones, we have two solid reasons for hope.
No matter how long we have been Christians, we can always keep growing more and more in purity and love.
If we invest in making disciples, our lives become bound up with theirs to die and live together.
The Thessalonian believers followed the good example of their faithful ministers.
The church in Thessalonica not only followed worthy examples but also became one itself.